zondag 26 november 2017

Sunday Stamps: 'Q' is for Quiz, quote and Quichot

It was hard to find a Dutch word which not only is starting with the letter Q but which also appears on stamps!..

And I found two stamps, by which I would like to do a little quiz (yes, the word 'quiz' is the same in English and Dutch, be it that some people write 'kwis', but 'quiz' is usual Dutch, too).

So here is is, my quiz-question (answer on bottom): where are these countries located?

The Quindi Islands:

And the (United) Queendom of Retailia:

Before showing the answers I would like to share some other stamps:

This one contains a quote (and yes, also the word 'quote' is the same in both Dutch and English!). It is from the book 'Max Havelaar'. The quote 'ik groet u allen zeer' is a kind of old-fashioned way of saying goodbye:

On this stamp you can see an other famous character from literature. No quote, but the name of the character starts with a Q !
In Dutch he is known as Don Quichot, in Spanish Don (= Sir) Quixote or Quijote:

See what other stamp lovers have found for this Sunday Stamps' theme 'the letter Q' at and via Sunday Stamps!

... And where to find the Quindi Islands and the Queendom of Retailia?? I must confess I don't exactly know!.. But I think two colleague mail artists do know :-) Both stamps are so-called 'artistamps', also known as cinderella stamps or faux postage. Many artistamps origin from the country the mail artists are living in, and some artists create imaginary countries, which of course need postage, too.
Patrizia (also known as TicTac) has send me the artistamps from Quindi Islands from Germany. The heraldic snail mail snail stamp I created myself to send to Martha, also known as Mail Art Martha, because she is embassador (or perhaps queen?) of the United Queendom of Retailia.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. I think the Quindi Islands and the Queendom of Retailia must be somewhere near Adanaland...

    1. Thank you for the link, Eva, a good addition! I was trying to connect Adanaland somehow to the letter 'Q' for this post but I didn't succeed :-)

  2. Fun collection today - and interesting that quiz and quote are also Dutch words.

  3. Yesterday as I was preparing my post, it occurred to me that maybe there were no Dutch words that began with a Q for you.

    1. Thank you for thinking of me!

      There are several Dutch words starting with a 'q', but most are not subject to be pictured on stamps (like quarantaine and querulant (= someone who likes to cause conflicts) and quantummechanica) :-)

  4. A fabulously glitzy snail from retailia.

  5. Queendom of Retailia sounds like some kind of a fairy land :)

  6. I guess I was not the only one to 'fail' your quiz. Queendom really should exist. Great fun.

  7. Hi Heleen, Your blog is very cool. (I hope "cool" translates well into Dutch!) :-) Just in case, it is also excellent and wonderful. Thank you for sharing! John
