maandag 1 juni 2015

In: from Morocco

Recently I received this Sheep postcard from Eva. I scanned it last week, but was busy doing other things after that.
So I planned to post it the coming weekend, when I suddenly saw that Eva blogged about sheep (more or less) today! Apparently today is a good day to publish Sheep postcards, and I am happy to show you this wonderful picture, taken in Poland by photographer majeczka (Maria Wachala).
Wish I was there in that peaceful quiet landscape, instead of here in too busy times!..

Eva has sent me an other great sheep postcard, which I will keep for (and cherish) myself. Alas lack of time keeps me from my wish to publish all mail I am receiving (and sending). I learned that turning all received and sent mail into digital blog posts takes a lot of my time and will restrain me from sending out snail mail. And that analogue action of course (snail mail lovers will understand) has some priority :-)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I agree with you about priorities. Concerning to snail mail, I think that sending and enjoying the received mail comes first. Sharing (with the rest of the world!) is the second step. The real pleasure is mail itself, isn't it? Of course I have great time in the blogs, and I have met very interesting people thanks to what I call "my web life". But if I have to choose...well, it's clear.

    I'm afraid more peaceful sheep are travelling to the Netherlands... :)

    By the way... Have you noticed how small these stamps are? They are lost on the envelope surface!

  2. Thank you for understanding! On my turn, I agree with what you write about the web life: blogging, and reading other people's blogs and getting in contact is a big pleasure, too!

    Thanks in advance for the more sheep! I think I should sed you sheep, too, in this Year of the Sheep!
    I found a nice, intetesting one in my stoch which I will seend to you one day. And I created a piece of sheep mail art, I didn't decide to whom to send it yet, but now I know it has to be with you :-)

    The stamp indeed is amazingly tiny!
    Concerning postmarks, in your blog post of today: I was thinking: the clear blue scratches on your received stamps have the advantage that the stamp still is visible. While here, with a proper postmark, the black ink causes some words to be unreadable!..
