And this Sunday Stamps theme happens to be 'Horses'! A good opportunity to share this chaincard with you:

The photos on the Dutch stamps top left have been made by Dutch photographer Charlotte Dumas. These stamps are part of a ten stamps sheet named 'portraits'. On her website you can see more wonderful animal photos, and some background information about the horse on the left stamp, and about the white horse.
Of course I used stamps from this sheet also for the other chaincard participants. I scanned the other person's cards before forwarding to the next participant. And you can see some similar stamps and some different one:

Mail companies from many countries have issued horse stamps. Since a year I found myself collecting horse stamps. By 'collecting' I mean I keep them when found, even if they are folded, like this one from Germany:

In the past decennia Dutch Post has issued more stamps showing horses:
Former queen Beatrix and her late, sympathetic husband Claus riding a horse:

(their minor granddaughters were pictured without a head protection cap, too, by which they were not giving a good example to other horse riding kids)
A 'personalized stamp', created by Arnold Voordewind from and issued by PostNL, showing a Konik pony, the only type of horse living in the wild in the Netherlands:

A Dutch traditional character is Sinterklaas, aka Sint/Saint Nicolaas. On his white friendly horse Amerigo he even rides on roofs. You can see them often along with their companion Piet/Pete:

An other 'Sinterklaas' and Amerigo, pictured by late Dutch illustrator Max Velthuijs:

An other white horse, carrying Prince Siddhartha, is shown on this stamp from Sri Lanka:

Horses have inspired many artists and craftsmen:
A horse shaped flute from Latvia:

Stylised horses, also from Latvia:

A double headed, winged horse from Kazachstan:

A horse shown on an inkpot on a Ukrainian stamp:

Horses at work:
From Canada:

Horses helping delivering the mail, from the United Kingdom:

The chess horse stamps I've found I will keep for an other theme :-)
See more wonderful horses on stamps on this Sunday Stamps blog post and follow the linke mentioned there!