dinsdag 23 september 2014

In: from Spain

Ook een aankondiging voor een muziekfestival kan prima als ansichtkaart dienen.
Deze fraaie luit ontving ik van Eva.
Op de postzegel de bekende virtuoze flamenco-gitarist/componist Paco de Lucía (1947-2014). Deze postzegel is de Spaanse inzending voor de Europese wedstrijd, die dit jaar als thema 'nationale muziekinstrumenten' heeft.

Also an advertisement for a musical festival can be a beautiful postcard!
This lute I received from Eva.
The stamp shows the famous virtuoso flamenco guitarist/composer Paco de Lucía (1947-2014). This stamp is the Spanish contribution to the European stamp contest, themed 'National Musical Instruments' this year.

Thank you very much, Eva!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm glad to see that it arrived. I thought that maybe it was too thin to resist the travel.
    It would be a pity not to send this beautiful lute... Even if last summer I hadn't the chance to enjoy any of the concerts :(

  2. Again thank you! It arrived August 27th already, so the time between cancellation / postmark and arrival was only 5 days.
    I really hope that you'll be able to attend the festival next time!

  3. Sadly the UK hasn't done Musical Instrument stamps this year. I hope it does old toys next year.
