vrijdag 17 oktober 2014

In: from Spain

Uit Murcia, de hoofdstad van de gelijknamige provincie in het zuid-oosten van Spanje, deze kaart. Op de Plaza de Santa Catalina heb ik ook de nodige voetstappen gezet :-)
Aan dit plein is ook het museum van de schilder Ramón Gaya (1910-2005).

From the south east of Spain, the city of Murcia to be precise, which is the capital of the province of the same name. I've walked this square, Plaza de Santa Catalina, several times. The museum of the painter Ramón Gaya (1910-20015) is also situated at this square.

Op de postzegel de beroemde gitarist/componist Paco de Lucía, die helaas in februari van dit jaar overleed.
The stamp shows the famous guitar player and composer Paco de Lucía, who sadly passed away in February of this year.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Yes, I know, thank you again!
    I posted yours few weeks ago (as part of your card, not as a stamp apart), http://nogmeerpost.blogspot.nl/2014/09/in-from-spain.html . Such a pity that he isn't among us all anymore...

    1. Ooops, you're right!
      I have received this very stamp this morning :D
