zondag 27 april 2014

Sunday stamps: of children and for children

This Sunday the theme of Sunday stamps is 'of children and for children'.

Every year in November, Dutch school children pass along the houses to sell 'kinderpostzegels', 'children's stamps', which means both stamp sheets and postcards. I did so when I was young, and many years later, that is, last year, our daughter was old enough do so, too.

Above you can see the envelope in which she gathered the orders, of our neighbours and family (and me, of course), and when ready to deliver, she went along the houses again to deliver the stamps and postcards.
The stamps have an increased rate, and the money earned goes to children's welfare projects.

So in all those many years, many children's stamp sheets have been issued.

Here I'll show only a few (some of them are not complete because I used them, of course).

12 opmerkingen:

  1. The bunnies! I think I have received one of those stamps. thank you for joining in this week.

  2. The Netherlands must be the top country this week; I haven't seen a poor stamp yet.

  3. If someone came to my door selling those, I would buy something.

  4. ah, thank you for the explanation of why there are so many children's themed stamps in the Netherlands!

  5. Of course the Dick Bruna set is my favourite but the Netherlands have produce some great Children Welfare stamps over the years. I love the idea of selling them door to door.

  6. What a marvellous idea. I wish the British were even a quarter as imaginative as some other countries.

  7. Some coincidences in the stamps we showed! I'm afraid that all the stamps in my post were sent by you!
    What a nice idea about stamps. I'd like to buy these stamps too!

  8. while reading today's Sunday Stamps post, I noticed the Anton Corbijn tag...and had to check it out...I just cant figure out what those stamps are about or what's his relation (if any) to the rest of the stamps on the sheet...help please? :)

    1. Anton Corbijn was the photographer of the Children's stamps issued in 2013. You can see his photos in a very tiny version above, but a larger and better image of the pictures/stamps you can find on the 'postzegelblog' = 'stamp blog': http://www.postzegelblog.nl/2013/09/15/kinderpostzegels-2013-laat-kinderen-leren-betere-toekomst/ .
      The 2013 Children's welfare stamps' theme was 'Let children learn', and you can see three children, on one side standing in their class, on the other being at work. The style I think typical Corbijn (as I know his pictures from his album covers of U2) - and similar to U2 / Bono's involvement into world matters, these pictures to my opinion show social involvement, too.

      Is this a kind of answer to your question? Feel free to ask or comment :-)
