In the previous alphabet my chosen theme was 'Dutch words stamps'. I was wondering what theme to choose now, or if I should maybe show random stamps.
Thanks to Eva's blog post of today I suddenly thought of 'people'.
And the stamp Eva showed, 'American Women' in general, reminded me of a certain Dutch woman who has played an important role: in becoming a university student and a medical doctor in times when women were not supposed to study, in supporting people who had a bad and poor life, and a main role for women in obtaining the right to vote.
Aletta Jacobs I'm talking about. I must confess that I don't have a stamp showing herself, but the stamp I have immediately reminds me of her. The stamp has been issued in honour of the women's right to vote. Maybe Aletta Jacobs shows up on the black and white photo in the upper part of this stamp?

In 1999 the Dutch Post issued a stamp sheet, themed 'highlights of the 20th century'. One of them is this stamp, dedicated to the obtained right to vote. So to see the woman on this stamp is not Aletta Jacobs, but anyhow the stamp is related:

On the internet I found this one and only stamp, a personalized one, showing her portrait:

Since a few years the archives of Aletta Jacobs are considered as world heritage, and in the UNESCO Memory of the World program.
See here what interesting 'A'-stamps other stamp lovers chose for today's Sunday Stamps!