A nice way to visit a city is to travel by train. To me railway stations in many cases are a gateway to a city, because you can enter the heart of the city directly. In contrary to highways, not to speak from parking problems in at least the Dutch main cities.

Eva sent me these two postcards of the Atocha Railway station in Madrid. A city I never have visited so far, even though my family is hispanophilic - my brother and sister-in-law even chose to live in the south of Spain many years ago and they are still living there, along with my niece and nephew who have been born there.

An other place I have never been to but which I should visit - at least this interesting architectured museum Guggenheim - is Bilbao, in the north of Spain:

From Spain to the south there is Morocco. I received this pretty postcard from Essaouira, a city at the West coast of the country:

Stamp on the envelope containing the Madrid postcards (thus sent from Morocco):

Stamp on the Bilbao postcard:

Stamp accompanying the sea gulls:

See more beautiful city view postcards on this weekend's Postcards for the Weekend, and follow the links mentioned.