zaterdag 4 januari 2014

Sunday stamps: Olympic stamps

Deze zondag zijn de Olympische Spelen onderwerp van Sunday Stamps.
In 1992 werden bovenstaande postzegels uitgegeven, ter waarde van 80 guldencent per zegel. Zoals je ziet heb ik er twee gebruikt, en ik was eerlijk gezegd vergeten welke sporten op de ontbrekende postzegels zijn afgebeeld. Gelukkig is het complete vel terug te vinden op deze site. En het oorspronkelijke ontwerp, dat heel anders is, staat hier
Meer Nederlandse sportzegels vind je, met ook een commentaar op bovenstaande zegels, op het Postzegelblog.

This Sunday the theme of Sunday Stamps is 'Olympic Games'. The stamps sheet above was issued in 1992. The stamps were 0.80 gulden cents each. As you see, I've used two of these. I had forgotten which sports were pictured on the missing ones, but fortunately the complete sheet you can see on this website (which is quite different from the original design which you can see here).
More Dutch sports stamps are gathered here.

Hierboven een meer recent vel, uitgegeven in 2012, ter ere van tien Nederlandse Olympische gouden medaille winnaars.
Above you see a more recent stamp sheet, issued in 2012, in honour of 10 Olympic gold medal winners from the Netherlands.

Hieronder een Olympische postzegel uit Wit-Rusland, die achterop een van m'n Postcrossing kaarten zat:
Below a stamp from Belarus, which I found on the back of one of my received Postcrossing postcards:

En ik kocht ooit een partij postzegels om te gebruiken voor mail art. Ook hiertussen zitten verschillende Olympische postzegels, uit uiteenlopende landen:

And some time ago I bought stamps to use for mail art. Among these stamps also some Olympic stamps, from various countries:

9 opmerkingen:

  1. I like the Cuban celebration of their medals with a stamp sheet, I've never seen that done before.

  2. That is something I did not expect - Steffi Graf on the Korean stamp,

  3. A great selection. I like that the shadows were included in the design on the first stamps you show.

  4. Stamps from many nations! (second try at a comment) thank you for sharing all of these.

  5. Had to google Malagasy...but that is one really lovely stamp! and as a tennis fan, love the Steffi Graf one too! :)

  6. It would almost be a shame to use some of those stamps as mail art - art in their own right.

  7. I especially like the stamps honoring the Olympic gold medal winners from the Netherlands.

    I bought a "collection" of Olympic stamps in a package once and they seemed to be mainly from countries that don't really participate in the Olympics but produce stamps for collectors.

  8. What an incredible variety. All are fantastic. Thanks for letting me see them.
