I like stamps which feature technical things, so also this theme makes me happy. Check the wonderful stamps people shared on today's Sunday Stamps blog and the links mentioned there!
On my turn I'd like to share one of my favourite Dutch stamp sheets with you, showing 10 Dutch inventions. The stamp sheet was issued in 2010 for the 100th anniversary of the 'Octrooiwet', the Patent Act, in the Netherlands.

Not all are 20th century inventions. The submarine, invented by Cornelis Drebbel, and the telescope by Hans Lipperhey were early 17th century inventions.
And the LED lamp by Philips and new additions to the solar car by the Solar Team Twente, have been 'born' in our 21st century.
Nevertheless the majority of stamps show 20th century inventions, six in total. The year mentioned is the year in which the patent was granted:
- The artificial kidney, by Willem Kolff in 1948;
- the VacuVin wine saver by Bernd Schneider in 1987;
- the milking robot (or: automated milking) by Van der Lely in 1987;
- improvement of the chainguard (chain case) by Wilhelmine van der Woerd in 1974;
- automated handwriting recognition by TNT Post in 1980, which is used for turning the mail address into a code (you can see the - for mail lovers wellknown - (orange) lines on the stamp);
- the Dyneema fiber, 'strongest fiber' by DSM in 1979.
See more inventions on Sunday Stamps and via the links mentioned there.