Similar to the country where the receiver of this card is living, The Netherlands are considered a monarchy. However, the government / parliament mainly acts independent of the king (I don't know if this is similar to the U.K.?).
At school I learned that governments are located in the capitals of the concerning countries. A funny fact about the Netherlands is, that this isn't fact in our country. Amsterdam is our capital, but the government is in the city of Den Haag (The Hague). The postcard below shows a part of the city of The Hague with the buildings of the Dutch ministries.
Fortunately there happened to be one stamp left on a five-stamps sheet, which was dedicated to this city (see above). On the sheet you can see these buildings, too. The stamp itself shows a part of the Ridderzaal, and a stork: the bird of this city, once chosen because they might bring luck. On the Coat of Arms of The Hague the stork is holding an unfortunate black eel in his/her beak.